Notice of Annual General Meeting: March 20, 2025 @ 5:45pm Click here to learn more.
Notice of Annual General Meeting: March 20, 2025 @ 5:45pm Click here to learn more.

Donation Form

Ongoing Pledges

Many of our donors prefer the option of budgeting their donation on a monthly basis. This provides the benefit of keeping the donation manageable each month while providing a stable source of monthly donations. Predictable revenue is important for all not-for-profit organizations, enabling them to plan. The reliability of your donation is a gift itself.

We have a variety of options to meet your needs. Pledges can be made by:

  • Sending in a series of post-dated cheques to our office at Unit 1 – 13478 78th Ave, Surrey BC V3W 8J6.
  • *Credit card – you can authorize a monthly charge to your credit card on our online donation page.
  • *Pre-authorized debit to your bank account. Complete the fillable Donor PAD Agreement and mail it to us along with a “Void” cheque.

* Please note that changes for credit card and PAD donations cannot be processed immediately. Please provide as much notice as possible but at a minimum, 1 full business day for credit card, and 5 business days for PAD changes.

Tax receipts for all pledges are issued in the first part of January each year. If you have any questions on any of these methods, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (604) 581-5443.


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